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Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

We’ve all heard the saying “Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day.” Well, I had to go to Greece (yes, Greece) in 2018 to discover how true this still is, and how it related to finishing my book. Why Greece? The original concept of Beauty began there. My goal has always been To Bring Beauty to Humanity and Humanity to Beauty.

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The Evolving Tale

The evolving tale of Modern Nomad: Into the Silk Road, Afghanistan 1977

Recently I’ve discovered that the world of self-publishing can become like a Camel Caravan headed out into the vast unknown, with constantly shifting sands of possibilities. It is a fascinating adventure, but no small feat. Though not quite to the point of becoming a Marco Polo of self-publishing, I’m deep into exploring this new and wonderful terrain and am excited by what’s to come.READ MORE

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Into the Heart of the Silk Road

I am excited to share with you pre-publication news about my upcoming book of photographs and stories, Modern Nomad: Into the Heart of the Silk Road, Afghanistan 1977. It traces my footsteps to Afghanistan and how the journey began, wonderful meetings with Afghan people—from sophisticated to tribal—as well as my ventures into “forbidden” territories on the outskirts of Kabul and how I was protected by good fortune.

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