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My goal is to create a global awareness of Afghanistan and its people during a time of flourishing and peace. I hope these photographs from my visit in 1977 will open your hearts to see the Afghans as I did — a kind, poetic people.

Now we see a country devastated by the ravages of decades of war that threaten its great heritage. Many in the world have only known Afghanistan as a country at war. I want to change this view. Photographs can inform our perception of humanity and connect us with others across a wide gulf of cultures that we otherwise know nothing about. Let these touching images open that mysterious door for you.

As ethnic cultures are becoming rapidly extinct across the globe, it would be a tragic loss to lose the beauty and diversity of Afghanistan, a country that, for eons, has contributed so much to the world. I want my photographs to serve as an inspiration and a positive historical reference for everyone and encourage Afghans everywhere. These photographs are my Gift of History.

In Peace,